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Hey Portlanders! Spring is Here - Time to Store Those Winter Clothes

 Wow! It's been a wild weather week! Locals just had a fast adjustment from winter to summer. The weather went from puffy coats to t-shirts and shorts in less than a week! Now that you've pulled out your lightweight attire, it's time to store those warm wooly outfits in a way that keeps them well-preserved for the winter.

If you've been following Downtown Self Storage for a while, you might remember our guide to storing winter clothes! Can you believe it's been two years? We thought we'd revisit the topic and give you more tips on keeping your winter gear in great shape as you store it away. 

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Only Store What You'll Wear

It's a real hassle to pack clothes that you haven't worn in years and you're not likely to wear next season. This is much easier said than done, but take the opportunity to trim down your closet. The change in season is an excellent opportunity to do a deep clean of your wardrobe. It may seem like you'll wear those amazing floral pants in three sizes smaller than you are now, but chances are - no. Best to give them away. It's refreshing to do a Marie Kondo: keep only what makes you happy (and fits).
This is doubly true with kids who outgrow their wardrobes every year or more!

Wash and Dry

We say this a lot, but it's because we care: make sure your winter clothes are entirely 100% dry before storage. No one likes a sweater with a weird smell due to mold.

self storage portland oregon

Advice on Containers

There are many options for storing clothes, and here are some of the pros and cons of each. 
Cardboard is cheap, but not ideal for clothes. It's not air or watertight, and while that's less of a problem for indoor storage, it still leaves your clothes less protected than we advise. 

Plastic crates are much better for clothes than cardboard, but they're a double-edged sword. They keep water out,  but they also retain any water already inside. If you store your clothes in plastic bins, be extra sure they are bone dry before adding your clothing.

Plastic dry cleaning bags have the same issue: the plastic holds moisture in with your clothes, and dry cleaning that picks up any moisture can stain or mildew inside the bag.  

Cloth bags offer most of the same protection as plastic bags but are still vulnerable to water damage. 

Vacuum-sealed bags are great, but they do have drawbacks: they retain water, and if you use them on natural fibers (leather, wool, cashmere, et cetera) the fiber may never bounce back to its original shape. It works well for poly blends, but a more robust solution is recommended for pricier items. 

All in all, our pics for clothes storage are plastic bins and breathable garment bags.  

BIPOC Moving Portland oregon

Bugs Away

While clothing is packed away for a few months, keep them smelling fresh: a few dryer sheets in the same container should do the trick. If you prefer a more natural bent, no worries! Pieces of cedar or lavender sachets also work great. Plus, cedar and lavender are moth repellents! Desiccant packs can help mitigate moisture as well. Bugs can be a big problem when storing your wool and cashmere, so take a look at our blog on how to prevent clothing pest damage. 

Need more? We have storage tips from patios to paddleboards. Follow our blog and connect with us on social media!

If you're unsure of where to keep your bike, if you need tips on which houseplants to grow, or if you just need some advice on moving, check out the DTSS blog

self storage portland oregon

Downtown Self Storage 

Whether you're storing alone or with friends, no matter how much space you need, Downtown Self Storage is here to help! We've served the Pearl District and surrounding Portland neighborhoods for over 30 years and are honored to continue that trend. 

Need moving supplies? We have a variety of boxes of many sizes and other moving supplies available on-site.


Monthly Special 

Rent a unit today and receive 50% off your first three months (size and availability restrictions apply). 


U-Haul for Rent

Need a truck or van? Both Downtown Self Storage facilities are certified U-Haul rental locations. Reach out to our self-storage professionals to reserve.




1305 NW Davis Street

Portland, OR 97209





1304 NW Johnson Street

Portland, OR 97209


Follow our blog for more storage tips! Connect with us on social media @downtownselfstoragepdx