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Spring Is Here! Time To Get Your Office Space Organized.


Keep Clutter Out of Sight

Now is the time to organize your office space. Managing your clutter can reduce stress and help you with efficiency. 

Offices have many supplies: pens, pencils, sharpeners, and staplers, and all of that stuff can look really messy! Designate a drawer as your supply drawer (bigger is better) and buy an organizer. If you can keep that drawer organized, it's a good sign for the rest of the office. More importantly, getting all that stuff in one place will cut down on clutter. 

Use the Walls 

Get your hands on a corkboard and a bookshelf! Clear out the floor space! Not only will the office look and feel bigger, but a more open space can help reduce stress. 


Conceal Your Cords

There are few things more anxiety-inducing than a snarl of electrical cords behind a computer. Not to mention that it's a fire hazard! Using zip ties and a labeler, you can not only keep the office space looking slick, but you can prevent the frantic search for the printer cord by labeling each bunch by function! 


Create and Label Binders

Binders are a great way to keep papers in order. Legal and tax documents, medical, house and personal documents can be an unmanageable mess. But by organizing these documents into binders by section, you can not only save time but keep the desk clear of piles of papers. 

Ready to Reinvent Your Workspace?

Exploring a workspace outside of your upgrade back bedroom or living room? Visit the Pearl District Portfolio in the heart of Portland's original creative district for a wide range of square footage for your new office needs. 


Store the Extra Stuff

Anything you can't organize, you may be tempted to Marie Kondo.  Before purging your office of everything that may or may not give you joy, think about self-storage. Give yourself some time to ponder your space and possibly avoid serious regrets about giving away that fabulous antique desk.  

If you want to clear the space but keep your stuff, we can help!  Downtown Self Storage is locally owned and in the neighborhood for over 30 years, and happy to help you with a successful spring office clean-up.



Website: Davis Street 

1305 NW Davis Street
Portland, OR 97209




Website: Johnson Street  

1304 NW Johnson Street
Portland, OR 97209


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